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About Export


Most Ethiopian agricultural products are known all over the world by their ORGANIC nature that is because of low agro chemical usage by the producers, Dentose Chamo with a due consideration of this, have plan to encourage those farmers with no or minimum agro chemicals, so that to become high class organic supplier for the world, OUR BRAND would be Dentose Organic:  products of spices, pulses and oil seeds


The mission of this company is to supply high quality crops to world market with competitive and reasonable prices that provides a secure earning for all employee and owner, and promote the Ethiopian producers worldwide.

The vision of the company is to be the leading exporter of pulses, oil crops and spices, in long run producer and exporter. Dantes chamo’s vision is to get reasonable profit from exporting quality products and encouraging and promoting Ethiopian producers by introducing modern agriculture and effective system that safeguards our customers all over the world

  • To strengthen the country for maximum export potential for spices, pulses and oil seeds
  • To improve production methods especially on small scale farms
  • To promote the country as Organic supplier to the world
  • To capacitate resource poor farmers for export purpose production
  • To strengthen the national agricultural production for export, protect consumers from unsafe spices, pulses and oil seeds products and ensure fair price, trade and protect environmental pollution.

Our Teams

Dr. Aklilu Berhanu

Chief Executive Director

Doctor of Dental Medicine & Master of Business administration

Kidest Berhanu

Managing Director

Agro-Engineer & Civil Engineer

Merhawi Berhanu

Export Manager

Construction Management Engineer

Awards & Testimony

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